User Generator app for phpFox

Greetings to all phpFox community owners!

We're releasing another great app for phpFox today and it's called User Generator.


User Generator is the app that will easily allow you to generate up to 5000 members per run in a few easy steps. You will need to fill out a simple form with:

  • users amount (up to 5k);
  • password for new users;
  • user group of new users;
  • relationship status (optional);
  • currency (optional);
  • time zone (optional).

Then just click Generate Users and check the progress – users will be created after scheduled operations to not to overload your server with heavy database queries and stopping its normal operation. Users creation takes up to 5-10 minutes for 5000 users depending on phpFox server and network conditions.


As you can see, all members have their own profile picture, random names and even countries shown using our Flags app. Of course all this members are available for search on Members page:

Shown on a demo with our Transformer theme

Shown on a demo with our Transformer theme

So as you can see this app can be quite useful for all who are starting their phpFox based social communities – sites for sports, education, dating and more.