
How to block country in phpFox (Geo Filter testimonial)

We want to start testimonial about Geo Filter app from our clients review:

Great app, again! I stop all fake signup from a particular country just like the app is suppose to work! thx you!
— Mario Guilbert

It is very easy to use our app. Only thing you need to do is to select countries which you do not want to see your members are from.


Every request will be verified and in case if user is requesting your website from forbidden country he'll receive 403 Forbidden response.

This rules won't affect admins till they're logged in (but be careful to not block your own country).

Note: geo lookup limit is 120 requests per minute. If your site will make more than 120 requests per minute, geo service will be paused for 1 hour. If your site has more than 120 visitors per minute at peak periods, kindly contact us at office@phpfoxer.com to remove limits.

Easy to try and much easier to buy!

Geo Filter